Best Nashville Hot Asphalt Patching Contractors Offer Trench Repair Services

Potholes are not holes that you want to ignore - left unattended, they can ruin roads and parking lots in no time! That’s why you should call Gaddes Strategic at +1-615-866-2795 or click for professional hot asphalt patching in Nashville.

Don’t let small potholes become cavernous pits - protect your Nashville business’s parking lot with the help of Gaddes Strategic and its asphalt patching contractors.

This team continues to support your community, providing the asphalt repair and maintenance services you need. Gaddes Strategic is equipped to carry out hot patching work in response to calls for swift and effective restoration work on roads and commercial parking lots.

Its services are particularly applicable in cases involving large potholes, which need to be patched for safety reasons. Hot asphalt patching is no DIY job - so Gaddes Strategic is here to improve access throughout the city to its professional assistance.

The Nashville contractor warns that pothole issues need to be addressed as a matter of urgency. Failing to fill potholes in roads or parking lots can lead to even worse damage, even outside of the immediate hazard they present to drivers, says the company.

In the words of Gaddes Strategic: “As small or large as they appear, potholes are the nightmare of every property owner or vehicle driver. The longer they are left unrepaired, they can extend from tiny cracks to actual deep pits that can swallow a grand jeep - literally. The risk of damage to vehicles from unrepaired potholes is quite significant.”

Alongside its hot asphalt patching services for potholes, Gaddes Strategic also cites its ability to carry out trench repairs. Have you detected subterranean damage underneath streets? Help is at hand.

Following an intricate patching process, Gaddes Strategic describes the drying time of hot asphalt as around 24 hours - a notably quicker fix than cold patch alternatives. As such, hot asphalt patching is a fast-acting and long-lasting pothole solution that substantially improves the safety of roads and parking lots.

“This strategy establishes a steady foundation by excavating at least four inches down and no less than one foot around the pothole,” explains a company representative. “A tack coat is applied before the asphalt mix fills the depression, and a refill is placed in the fixed area to ensure the excellent bonding of the materials to the surface.”

You can get an estimate for Gaddes Strategic’s hot asphalt patching work and other repair services via its official website.

Whether you need sealcoating, overlays, or paving, this is the team for the job.

Do you live in Nashville or the surrounding areas? Head on over to the link in the description for more info! Gaddes Strategic LLC City: Nashville Address: 2042 Convent Place Website Phone +16158662795 Email

Best Nashville Hot Asphalt Patching Contractors Offer Trench Repair Services
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