Best SPAIRE & Bikini Hip Replacement Surgeon In London: No Referral, No Waitlist

Did you know there's a new hip replacement surgery that has minimal post-op pain, no post-op restrictions, and no waiting list? Just ask about the SPAIRE procedure, from MSK Doctors (03300010048) in London - you don't even need a referral from your GP. Visit

Did you know that after a "standard" hip replacement surgery - you can't lift your knees up high for weeks?

You need to be careful about every move because the surgery causes so much trauma - even moving the wrong way could cause even more damage and pain.

What if I told you that it doesn't have to be like that?

That you could get a total hip replacement surgery, and then go home the next day, with no restrictions?

If I were you, I probably wouldn't believe me, but don't worry - I've got evidence.

It's all thanks to a new surgical technique called the Spare procedure - that's spelled S P A I R E, and a private clinic with one of the UK's top specialists in the new technique.

If you're already in London, you've probably heard of MSK Doctors before - but in case you're new, I'll explain.

It's a private musculoskeletal specialist clinic, staffed by some of the top local talent - but they do things a little differently. For example, they don't believe in waiting lists or GP referrals, and their founder, Professor Paul Lee, is also one of their top surgeons.

If you want to get the facts straight from their experts, just follow the link I left in the description. You can even book your appointment online.

The long and short of it is this - this new technique uses a totally different approach, that allows Prof. Lee to avoid causing damage to many of the important muscles and tendons in your hip.

That means that you can go home soon after your surgery, with no restrictions, and very little post-op pain. It's that simple.

There's no magic involved, although it might feel like it - because this new technique has shown serious benefits compared to the traditional option.

Here's an example, right from the clinical research - with the Spare technique, you have practically zero chance of a post-operative dislocation, compared to around 4% of patients who had the standard option.

I don't know about you - but a post-op dislocation sounds incredibly painful, and very much like something I would like to avoid.

The MSK Doctors team is so sure of this new technique, they almost use the opposite approach. Instead of giving you restrictions, you're encouraged to exercise your hip, and its full range of motion, right after your surgery.

The only possible downside that I can see, or that I can find in the literature, is that this technique does leave a visible scar. If that's a problem for you - there's good news too.

There's another option that is similar in most respects, except that it places more of a focus on hiding the surgical scar. If that's important to you, I suggest calling up MSK Doctors, and asking about the Bikini technique.

Whichever option works best for you - just remember that you don't have to wait, or settle for second-best.

At MSK Doctors, it's all about you - there's no referral, no waiting list, and no hassle, plus they always use the latest and greatest techniques, technology, and materials.

A spokesperson for MSK Doctors explained, “We have a select team dedicated to providing tailored support to each patient, as opposed to performing a high volume of surgeries. This meticulous approach significantly contributes to the success and satisfaction rate among our patients.”

When in doubt - my advice is just to book a consultation, and talk with a specialist. That's what they're there for.

Learn more about your options, schedule an appointment, or compare the Spare and Bikini techniques, at the link I left in the description.

MSK Doctors City: Sleaford Address: MSK House London Road Website Phone +44-330-001-0048 Email

Best SPAIRE & Bikini Hip Replacement Surgeon In London: No Referral, No Waitlist
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