Bill Savings, Auditing & Negotiation Program For Non-Profits Lowers Overheads

Recession Resister is proud to be an ally of US non-profits. So that you can keep making our communities better, they are committed to helping you cut down on your bills. Go to to find out more.

Recession Resister appreciates that although you may not be a ‘for-profit’ organization, you’re not a ‘for-loss’ one either.

That’s why they are pleased to be extending their expertise to support non-profits like yours. If you need to lower your operational expenses, the expense management firm can offer you a comprehensive and innovative tripartite approach to cutting bills that includes: bill auditing, bill negotiation, and energy auto-switching.

As a recent report from the Stanford University Innovation Report articulated, most US non-profits have continued to operate on slim budget margins and low reserves throughout 2023, with rising inflation and a volatile stock market both eating into the value of their funds and, in many instances, forcing more people in the community to turn to their services for assistance.

If this sounds like an overly familiar experience, Recession Resister will seek to comprehensively cut down your overheads, including through skilled negotiation with your current utility and office supplies service providers, careful auditing of your bills to identify discrepancies and inefficiencies, and using their cutting-edge auto-switching technology.

If you partner with Recession Resister, you can expect a quick and streamlined process that will begin with a thorough analysis of your current expenses. The experienced team at Recession Resister will then negotiate with service providers to secure the most favorable rates for you, conduct rigorous bill audits to uncover potential savings, and implement energy auto-switching strategies to ensure your long-term cost efficiency.

By offering you this tripartite bill savings program, Recession Resister aims to improve your financial sustainability because they appreciate that you are dedicated to making a positive impact in their communities. While several market and industry challenges are slated to remain in 2024, Recession Resister is confident that by significantly reducing your bills, they can help you redirect your funds to more meaningful uses.

Recession Resister is a leading expense management firm specializing in bill negotiation, bill auditing, and energy auto-switching. They provide innovative solutions to residential, commercial, and, now, non-profit clients.

To mark their new non-profit services, the firm is also running a new no-save, no-pay deferred fee structure.

As a spokesperson for the financial sustainability experts explained, “Millions of businesses and non-profits alike are overpaying for their monthly expenses, including phone, cable, internet, satellite, security and more. But you can start saving on these expenses and put more money back into your business or core charitable mission, and it won’t cost you a dime unless you save. Just upload your bills, and you’ll receive half of any savings we negotiate on your behalf.”

If you want to spend less on bills and more on what matters, visit the website in the description to see how you can benefit from Recession Resister’s three-in-one bill savings program.

Recession Resister City: Portland Address: 11923 NE Sumner St Website Phone +1-503-925-4512 Email

Bill Savings, Auditing & Negotiation Program For Non-Profits Lowers Overheads
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