Bring Your Pet To Hawaii: Vaccine Regulations, Paperwork Requirements, & Fees

The Hawaiian Island Travel Network has published their comprehensive new guide on how to prepare a pet for travel to the islands. To read the full guide right away, visit

Oh, to see the world through a dog's eyes... You know how excited your dog gets when it sees water. It's probably the same excitement I feel when pulling into a McDonald's drive through, 7 hours into a road trip - only all the more pure, all the more complete.

Now, imagine that feeling amplified ten-thousand-fold when your dog first lays eyes upon the cerulean surf of the Hawaiian islands. What a magical moment that will be!

However, before your four-legged friend can experience this unbridled ecstasy, you must first conquer one of mankind's most nefarious and enduring enemies...

RED TAPE!That's right, unfortunately, before your dog (or cat, or bird, or lizard) can come to Hawaii, you'll have to navigate the channels of bureaucracy first. Paperwork, vet visits, fees, and phone calls all lay in your immediate future, but fear not! The Hawaiian Island Travel Network is here to help!

They have compiled a complete, end-to-end walkthrough of how to get through the customs process without too much hassle. While they can't make the pain go away entirely, they can certainly help smooth off those rough edges.

Whether you are transitioning to island life temporarily or hoping to make Hawaii your permanent home, you will find a full breakdown of the costs, laws, and regulations associated with bringing an animal to the islands in this guide. Particularly, it discusses the vaccination requirements for pets being brought to the islands, which are overall perhaps the most strict in the United States.

To begin their coverage, the Hawaiian Island Travel Network discusses the quarantine programs in place on the islands for pets and other animals. Hawaii is currently the only state that is completely free from rabies, and the local government has taken drastic measures to ensure that they are able to keep this status.

To provide a brief overview, before you arrive you will need to:

Get your pet a full battery of vaccinations for rabies over 90 days prior to arrival, submit your pet's blood panel 120 days in advance to prove immunity, treat your pet for ticks and fleas within 2 weeks of departure, and, finally, submit quarantine exemption paperwork 10 or more days in advance. A full explanation of each of these requirements is available in the complete guide.

Other requirements elaborated upon in the full guide involve the microchipping and documentation requirements that you will need to keep in mind when relocating your pet. This includes a discussion of both the paperwork and deadline requirements put in place by the Hawaiian government.

Much of this paperwork requires the submission of requisite fees well in advance of your arrival to the islands, as mentioned briefly above. To help their you prepare for this, the site has listed the specific fee amounts associated with each regulatory measure, as well as the address where those amounts should be sent prior to arrival on the islands.

The guide concludes with a reminder that animal regulation is ultimately a matter of the US Customs Office, and that the final say rests with those regulators. To prepare for potential contingencies, the expert authors of this guide recommend scheduling around the customs process, which can take up to 3 hours in some cases.

This guide joins a wide variety of helpful coverage hosted by the Hawaiian Island Travel Network for both temporary visitors to the state and those hoping to call the state home. These guides are created by knowledgeable experts who have the best interests of the millions of tourists who visit the islands every year in mind with every publication.

To read guides on everything from coffee to golf to wildlife tours, check out what the Hawaiian Island Travel Network has on offer! You are sure to find something to aid in your island journey, big or small!

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Hawaiian Island Travel Network City: Kailua-Kona Address: 75-5737 Kuakini Hwy # 102 Website Phone +1-800-556-4480 Email

Bring Your Pet To Hawaii: Vaccine Regulations, Paperwork Requirements, & Fees
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