Camarillo Prosthodontist Offers Implant-Supported Dentures With A Warranty

Time to upgrade your smile? Get one that will stand the test of time. The Anacapa Dental Art Institute (805-398-6647) warranties all their implants, bridges, crowns, and dentures, so you don't have to worry about a thing - except what you'll eat first. Visit

We don't think about this too often - but did you know that there's probably someone near you, right now, wearing dentures - and you likely can't even tell.

That's not unusual, not anymore. In fact, it's estimated that nearly 1 in 5 people wear dentures, and that doesn't count smaller implants, like crowns or bridges.

What is new though, and super exciting if you ask me, is that you can now get a warranty for all of those things. That means not only do you get the ability to eat anything you want and smile without fear in public, but you also get peace of mind from knowing they'll last - and if anything happens, you can get them repaired for free.

If you want to learn more about the warranty program I'm talking about, or the Anacapa Dental Art Institute, check out the link I dropped in the description for all the details.

The short and sweet version is simple: They do things differently at the Anacapa Dental Art Institute, it's right in the name.

Your new smile isn't just a set of teeth, it's a work of art, and their team wants to make sure that you're fully satisfied, smiling all the way home, and for years to come.

I'm not sure how they came up with their 10-year warranty, but I can tell you that it's longer than you probably need, at least according to the American Dental Association. Their experts suggest changing or updating your denture every 5 to 7 years, to keep up with your changing anatomy, and to make sure they look and work their best.

So how do they do it?

Well, the short version is, that they have the top experts, and all the tech tools, right at their fingertips.

The Anacapa Dental Art Institute isn't just a dentist's office, they also have a fully stocked dental laboratory on-site, where they make all the implants, dentures, and other tools they need to get you smiling again.

Of course, it's hard to say how long any one implant or prosthetic will last, but experts suggest that crowns and bridges can last for up to a decade, and the implants themselves may be able to last 25 years or longer.

What I can say for sure, is that getting your work done by the Anacapa Dental team offers a lot of benefits. For example, using their in-house lab, they've managed to eliminate some of the worst parts of the visit, like the dental impression trays. Instead, they use a touchless intraoral scanner, which is just a camera on a stick they aim at your teeth.

That's a lot better than biting those gross flavored trays, any day.

If you're not sure, I have two quick pieces of advice, that you should always follow before choosing a dentist.

First, check their online reviews, and see what other people have to say. For the Anacapa Dental team, I can tell you now, that they're amazing. Second, check their website for more information. They even have some pretty cool videos that explain how everything works. It's your smile, so take care of it the best you can.

The best way to do that, is with a warranty - but you can get all the details at the link, in the description.

Anacapa Dental Art Institute City: Oxnard Address: 2821 N Ventura Rd Website Phone +1-805-988-8985 Email

Camarillo Prosthodontist Offers Implant-Supported Dentures With A Warranty
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