Confidential Outpatient NJ Addictions Treatment For Employees Using On The Job

Whether you're just starting out in the working world or you're at the height of your career, if you're struggling with a substance abuse issue Relevance Recovery (866-245-1497) in Freehold, NJ can help. Learn about their confidential outpatient treatment, today at

An addiction to drugs or alcohol can take over your life. It can come between you and your family, you and your partner, and even you and your job.

Maybe you've tried to quit a hundred times, but if you're going it alone, you're facing an uphill battle. Let the licensed and experienced addiction counselors at Relevance Recovery help.

Relevance Recovery offers a compassionate outpatient treatment program that's confidential, customized, and specifically designed to put you on the path to sobriety.

If you're sick and tired of being sick and tired, connect with a compassionate addictions specialist right now, and let's make today the first day of a fulfilling and rewarding life without alcohol or drugs.

The intensive outpatient treatment offered at Relevance Recovery is a confidential program available to employees from any sector or industry, at any level in their career, because when it comes to addiction, the impact it can have at the workplace does not discriminate. If you're impaired, you risk losing everything.

Once an addiction has increased to the point where you're turning to alcohol or drugs first thing in the morning, or sometime mid-afternoon, chances are you're also working while impaired despite your very best efforts to separate the two.

The trouble is, statistics reveal bringing your alcohol or drug dependence into the workplace can impair your judgment, your perception, and your decision-making, and can eventually result in injury or death.

Here's what a spokesperson for Relevance Recovery wants you to know:

“When you commit to treatment for your substance abuse disorder, it is a monumental step, and you should be congratulated. We have enormous respect for those who recognize their lives are being negatively impacted by their addiction, and have decided to get the help they need. We'll begin by putting together a treatment plan built around your personal needs. Your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) or your workplace benefits package will most likely cover all or part of your treatment, as can your own health insurance.”

Between 2011 and 2022, unintentional overdose deaths in the workplace due to illicit drug use increased by 619%, says the National Safety Council. In addition, the US Department of Labor reveals 65% of workplace accidents occurred because an employee was impaired by either alcohol or drugs.

Maybe you've already made a decision at work when you were under the influence that you look back on now, and regret. Maybe your behavior changes when you're impaired, and you've noticed some of your colleagues are beginning to wonder what's up.

You can't continue to take these risks.

Clinicians at Relevance Recovery say the tendency with addiction is for your problem to progress, which can then lead to self-isolation, which in turn only exacerbates an increase in your drug or alcohol use. Their outpatient program involves a customized treatment plan that interrupts this ritual that's begun to develop by addressing your root struggles, your stressors, and the pain you're trying to numb away.

When you participate in the Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) at Relevance Recovery, you can maintain your daily routine. You'll be fully supported by a schedule of treatment designed to offer the level of attention and help you'll need to dig you out of an entrenched addiction so that day by day, you feel better and better, stronger and stronger.

Relevance Recovery offers holistic, integrative, multidisciplinary treatment for substance abuse and mental illness.

Therapies offered include:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT), Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT), Motivational Interviewing (MI), and, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). You can enhance these traditional, proven effective treatments with weekly massage therapy, music therapy, yoga, meditation, biofeedback therapy, and even social activities that will help you acclimate to living happily and stress-free without alcohol or drugs.

Is it time to bring your best self forward in sobriety so you can excel in your career and enjoy the life you've always wanted?

Click on the link in the podcast summary to connect with a licensed addictions clinician who understands.

Relevance Behavioral Health City: Freehold Township Address: 61 W Main Street Website Phone +1 866 245 1497 Email

Confidential Outpatient NJ Addictions Treatment For Employees Using On The Job
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