Discover The Best Membership Option In This Guide To The Best Wine Clubs

Looking for the perfect gift this Christmas? Wine club memberships offer exclusive perks and premium vintages for an indulgent gift that keeps giving all year round. Let Napa Valley Elite’s latest wine club membership guide show you how at       

What have US shoppers voted as one of the most indulgent gifts this Christmas? Diamonds? Silks? Chocolates? Nope. This year, wine has been rated as THE gift to give your loved ones.

Wine? – I hear you ask – But isn’t that a cop-out option? One that says, I couldn’t think of anything to buy you, but I’ve definitely seen you drunk before, so here’s a cheap bottle with a fancy french label?

Well, Mr Judgy, if you’re just going to grab a bottle at random from the local liquor store and slap a bow on it, then maybe. But I did say it had been voted as one of the most indulgent gifts. I’m not talking about cheap plonk. I’m talking about wine club subscriptions.

Oh wait, nope. I’m not made of money – I hear you grumble – Memberships are expensive. Especially “indulgent’ ones.

Well, that’s where you’re wrong. Yes, you can go as high as your wallet will stretch when it comes to top-grade vinophiles, but for us average folks, wine clubs offer a chance to try premium wines, without the premium price tags. Find out how with Napa Valley Elite’s latest wine club membership guide.

Tell me more – I hear you cry. But of course I shall indulge you!

No more puns – I hear you moan. Fine. I’m wasted on you lot, anyway. I should get a job writing Christmas cracker jokes or something.

Back to the wine… One of the reasons given by those classy shoppers who voiced their preference for giving wine club subscriptions as gifts was that it offered their loved ones the chance to learn more about something they are passionate about and to explore new wines that are not usually available from high street liquor stores.

But how do they even know what they’d like? Waste of money. I don’t even know which bottle to buy for them and I’ve been friends with them for over a decade now! – I hear you grumble… again. Cheer up, Scrooge. It’s Christmas.

If you read Napa Valley Elite’s guide, you’ll find out that the majority of wine clubs encourage members to try new vintages which share common tasting notes to wines they have liked in the past. By creating a flavor palate, wine clubs are then able to recommend rarer wines which may appeal to their subscribers. Members then have the advantage of trying a more expensive wine with the reassurance that it will suit their tastes.

So it’s a gift that gets better every time they get their delivery? – I hear you realize. Yes!

And they get to enjoy it all year round? – I hear you getting excited! Hallelujah! I’ve converted them!

Wine’s social too, isn’t it? I could probably get more than a few sips of my own gift in, then! – I hear you scream. Yes– wait, what? No, no, no. Gift giving is selfless. You shouldn’t want to get in on all the wine club perks, exclusive deals, insider tips, rare bottles, premium vintages… Does sound good, though. Doesn’t it? Ok so maybe it’s a little bit self-serving as a gift, but what’s wrong with a little indulgence?

Discover all about wine club memberships and unlock exclusive perks with Napa Valley Elite by clicking the link in the description.

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Discover The Best Membership Option In This Guide To The Best Wine Clubs
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