Fastest ERTC Application For Small Businesses To Claim Maximum Pandemic Refunds

There are two ways to claim your ERTC before the deadline - but only one of them will help you to get the maximum allowable rebate, with the minimum time, effort, and risk. Start with this free eligibility check from ERTC Guy, at

If you're reading this, then you probably haven't claimed your Employee Retention Tax Credits or ERTC yet - and that means I have to ask...

Where the heck have you been?

I don't mean to sound rude, but I honestly don't understand why so many business owners haven't claimed their rebates yet. It's likely hundreds of thousands of dollars in free, no-strings-attached money... and it's just sitting there.

Literally, all you have to do is complete an application - and if that's too much work, there are experts who will handle it for you, so all you have to do is approve them completing an application. It really couldn't be any easier.

The only legitimate reason not to apply is if you can't qualify... and trust me, practically everyone can qualify. Small businesses, medium businesses, tech startups, new companies, non-profits - there's a rebate for everyone.

If you don't think you can qualify - then sure, don't apply - but before you rule it out, why not take a free, 10-question eligibility test? There's no obligation, and it won't ask for any business secrets - but if you qualify, it will estimate how much you can claim.

Sound good? You can check it out at the link in the description - but come back to my podcast after so I can say "I told you so."

Are you doing the eligibility test? Make sure you pause this...

waiting.. waiting... and you're back!

Okay, maybe "I told you so" is a little childish... so instead, how about we say, "Woohoo!"

Here's the weird thing - as you just found out if you took the eligibility check, practically anyone can qualify for a huge amount of money, but so many business owners aren't applying, it must be because they don't know the ERTC has changed.

With no upper limit on funding, ERTC Guy has helped some employers claim up to $750,000 in IRS rebates - and importantly, these rebates are not a loan or deferral, and never require repayment. The funds can be spent with no restrictions, on anything your heart desires.

To qualify, all you need is to have had between 5 and 500 W-2 employees during the pandemic, and to have had your business "negatively affected by it" in some way.

The full eligibility check explains several ways this can be shown, including suffering temporary closures, financial losses, or reduced indoor capacity. All you really need to know though, is that if you kept the doors open during the pandemic, ERTC Guy can find a way to help you qualify.

In fact, that's what they do best. The free eligibility test, I'll admit, is just to draw you in - but that doesn't mean it's not useful and worthwhile. It's the fastest way to find out if you qualify, for free with no obligation, and it tells you how much you can claim.

It's a win-win, for sure.

It's only the first step though - and if you want to claim the maximum allowable rebate, there are a lot of steps to go... or just one step, if you let ERTC Guy handle the paperwork.

That's up to you of course - but you can probably guess my opinion.

I'm always ready to have an expert handle the paperwork for me, especially when that paperwork needs to be filled out fast, and will result in me getting a big cash bonus.

You do it however you want - just make sure that you get your application in before the deadline, or it will all be for nothing.

My advice is to apply the quick way, at the link in the description - but even if you plan to fill in all the paperwork yourself, you should still use their quick eligibility test to estimate your rebate.

I did it twice because I just love seeing that many digits with a dollar sign next to them - and knowing that the IRS has to write me a cheque for that amount makes it so much sweeter.

Seriously, go take the eligibility test right now, and tell me that doesn't feel sweet. ERTC Guy City: New York Address: 60 West 23rd Street Website Phone +1 877 675 4340 Email

Fastest ERTC Application For Small Businesses To Claim Maximum Pandemic Refunds
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