Free Asset Value Calculator Thru This NY IT Equipment Disposition Firm

Liquidate your old IT assets quickly, securely and profitably with IT Asset Management Group (ITAMG) (877-625-4872). Make the best decision about how to dispose your used equipment with its free value calculator. Learn more at

If your IT gear is coming to the end of its life and you need a full-service solution to getting rid of your decommissioned IT equipment as you upgrade or refresh, IT Asset Management Group is the asset disposition expert you should call.

IT Asset Management Group is particularly pleased to share an innovative liquidation calculator, that they hope can streamline and simplify the asset disposition and resale processes by providing you with a transparent and efficient method to assess the value of your used equipment quickly, and then to make informed decisions regarding the end-of-life process for this equipment.

If you're anything like the average small company, you are probably spending 6.9% of your revenue on IT. This is a huge amount, and although upgrading tech is inevitable, IT Asset Management Group believes it doesn’t have to be so expensive, which is why they are pleased to be bringing you their used equipment value calculator.

Their calculator, which is accessible through IT Asset Management Group’s website or by contacting their Account Management team, will allow your business to determine the fair market value of your used I T equipment swiftly and accurately. By using sophisticated algorithms, market data and their team’s industry expertise, their calculator factors in various parameters, such as equipment age, condition, and specifications, to generate a comprehensive valuation of all your assets.

As a spokesperson for the asset disposal experts said, “We help you quickly inventory your gear, identify which devices can be resold and target others for recycling. If your I T equipment still has value, we can buy it and help you free up cash for other vital business purposes.”

Once you have been informed of the resale potential of your existing I T assets, IT Asset Management Group will develop a full liquidation plan which includes certified clean and compliant recycling for those assets that’s value cannot be recaptured. As experts in data security, IT Asset Management Group will also secure all your data for both those assets to be resold and to be recycled.

Since 1999, IT Asset Management Group has been a leader in secure physical hardware disposal and data destruction. They are compliant with all state and national regulations.

Their spokesperson added, “We call liquidating IT the final chapter for your IT portfolio and we will work with you to develop a plan to recapture remaining asset values, ensure data destruction, and recycle unmarketable equipment without sending it to landfills.”

Before you rush into your next upgrade, talk to the pros in I T liquidation and asset disposition at the website in the description.

IT Asset Management Group City: Farmingdale Address: 110 Bi County Blvd. Suite 106 Website Phone +1 877 625 4872 Email

Free Asset Value Calculator Thru This NY IT Equipment Disposition Firm
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