Get Pellet Therapy In Scottsdale For Low Testosterone & Andropause Symptoms

Get Well Scottsdale will get you feeling your old self again with bioidentical hormone replacement pellet therapy - call 480 607-6503 to speak to an expert about what BHRT could do for you!Learn more about BHRT by visiting

Don't let low testosterone get you down! HRT boosts sexual function, alleviates depression, and optimizes energy! Find out whether you could be eligible for HRT at the Get Well Scottsdale practice!

Get Well Scottsdale’s hormone pellet therapy solutions specifically target the symptoms of andropause (male menopause) at their source, in addition to protecting against arthritis, cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis.

The healthcare team can customize your BHRT (bio-identical hormone replacement therapy) treatment plan to combat your low testosterone levels. Most common in men aged 40 or above, andropause affects cognitive and sexual functions, manifests as low libido or depression, causes insomnia and infertility, reduces bone density, and slows the metabolism.

According to Healthline, up to 5 million American men could be experiencing low testosterone, with reports showing as many as 39% of older men have significantly low levels.

While your testosterone naturally decreases after age 30, the effects of low t can put your health at risk, causing you more serious conditions such as osteoporosis and poor immunity against disease.

Get Well Scottsdale’s HRT treatment involves implanting a pellet the size of a grain of rice beneath your skin, which slowly releases hormones into your body. This will alleviate the effects of andropause for around 5 months, eliminating the need for you to take daily pills or apply creams that may otherwise be forgotten.

Using blood test data to identify your hormonal deficiencies, Get Well Scottsdale will tailor your pellet dosage so that it delivers the optimal amount of bio-identical testosterone into your bloodstream.

The pellet contains plant-derived hormones biologically identical to the ones naturally produced by your body, minimizing adverse side effects and promoting effective absorption. BHRT patients report increased energy levels, libido, and muscle mass after their treatment.

With doctorates in nutrition and naturopathy, Dr. Nicole Turcotte combines alternative medicine, fitness, and lifestyle plans to help patients overcome chronic fatigue, loss of libido, and age-related disorders. She has been board-certified by the American Naturopathic Medical Certification & Accreditation Board and the Alternative Medical for the National Association of Nutritional Professionals.

In addition to BHRT, her practice develops functional medicine and treatment therapy plans for sufferers of erectile dysfunction, hypothyroidism, and fibromyalgia.

Schedule a consultation by visiting the link in the description! Get Well Scottsdale City: Scottsdale Address: 14300 N Northsight Blvd Website Phone +1-480-607-6503 Email

Get Pellet Therapy In Scottsdale For Low Testosterone & Andropause Symptoms
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