Glendale, CA Lawyer For Pedestrians Injured In Uber & Lyft Car Accidents

If you’ve been hit by an Uber or a Lyft driver, Babaians Law Firm (818-747-9113) is offering you the legal expertise you need to get the compensation you deserve. Visit for your free initial consultation and begin your personal injury claim.

Here’s the story of how a night out in LA turned into a nightmare for one Uber customer and how she found the legal aid she needed, thanks to Babaians Law Firm.

I’d taken my uber to town to meet friends at our favorite bar. It was busy and loud and the atmosphere was just fantastic. It was one of those nights that you wish could just keep going, but soon it was time to say our goodbyes.

The band had kicked up by this point, so I stepped outside to call my Uber home. And that’s when I was hit by a Lyft driver.

I woke up in hospital with a splitting headache which had nothing to do with the wine from the night before. My collarbone was fractured, my arm broken and I couldn’t stand looking in the mirror because of all the swelling and bruises.

It was crowded outside the bar, so there were loads of witnesses that saw what happened and they all agreed it was the Lyft driver who hadn’t seen me as he pulled up. His badge was clearly displayed, but he started saying he was off the clock and wasn’t taking passengers as I was taken away in the ambulance. So what now? I needed help to pay my bills, but there wasn’t much I could do from a hospital bed.

Thank goodness for Babaians Law Firm.

It didn’t cost me anything for an initial consultation with their legal team. LA has a huge number of Uber and Lyft drivers so, sad to say, they had come across my type of situation before. They told me that having a rideshare driver involved added some extra things to sort through, but it was nothing they couldn’t handle.

The crux of the matter is was the driver working when he hit me? If the driver was active on the Lyft app, Babaians explained to me, then the rideshare company was also liable for any personal injury claim. Both Uber and Lyft have a financial reserve to compensate third parties for injuries caused by their drivers’ negligence. So I could sue them for my medical costs.

However, if – as the driver claimed – the driver was not logged into the app or registered to accept rides, the responsibility for any injuries caused would rest solely on the driver. I thought this might mean I was left footing the bill, but Babaians explained that Los Angeles requires all drivers operating in the city to carry commercial insurance so I could still sue to cover the costs of my recovery.

Turns out the driver was in the process of logging out when he hit me (distracted!), so it’s a bit of a gray area. But I’m not worried, the lawyers at Babaians have got it under control. All I need to do is concentrate on healing.

With Babaians Law Firm, I know my injury claim is in good hands. They took the time to explain everything to me and answer all my questions. They’ve had experience dealing with rideshare accidents, so I know they can handle it.

If you’ve been involved in an accident with Lyft or Uber, click on the link in the description for a FREE initial consultation with Babaians Law Firm. BABAIANS Law Firm City: Glendale Address: 450 North Brand Boulevard, Suite 600 #6011 Website Phone +1 818 747 9113 Email

Glendale, CA Lawyer For Pedestrians Injured In Uber & Lyft Car Accidents
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