Historical Mystery Novels Tell Untold Stories Of Influential Science Figures

If you or someone close to you loves fiction, Insights on Innovation offers a series of historical, STEM-based novels by author T.H. Harbinger, focusing on inspirational stories of influential figures who have had an impact on history and culture. Visit https://www.insightsoninnovation.net for more details.

The holidays are just around the corner - what will you buy for the bookworm in your life?

If your favorite reader enjoys uplifting, historical, STEM-based fiction, look no further than the series of novels by T.H. Harbinger!

The author's works of fiction are based on documented historical events and focus on women and men that have contributed to society and culture, including scientists, businessmen, farmers, and engineers.

With so much negativity in the news at the present time, T.H. Harbinger’s works of fiction are written with the goal of inspiring you as a reader. They feature stories of ordinary people -just like you and me - who overcame great challenges to succeed, both as individuals and as members of society.

Studies published by the National Library of Medicine show that reading inspiring novels can have a measurable effect on mood and overall outlook, as immersion in a story can help relieve stress and anxiety, while stimulating a reader’s imagination. The series of historical novels from T.H. Harbinger focuses on storytelling that brings history to life in a compelling way. “We strive to find and illustrate the hidden stories of men and women who have influenced our culture,” says a spokesperson for Insights on Innovation. “We showcase these stories, depicting many ways of life and offering something for everyone.”

Current titles in the novel series include Flying High With Consequences, a fictionalized account of a professor’s work on geological prospecting and passion for physics-related research, leading to a successful geomagnetic survey and the rise of hydraulic fracturing in Wisconsin.

If you prefer some romantic flavor in your historical fiction, you may also enjoy M.A.D Scientists: A Love Story, which tells the tale of Viola and Otto Schmitt, two World War II scientists who develop a secret weapon that helps turn the tide of war.

Other titles include The Golden Triangle - focused on the struggles of family farms in Montana and the effects of large-scale Hutterite colonies that have moved into the area - and Gyro Landing, which is based on the unscheduled landing of an Airbus A320 on the Hudson River in 2009.

About T.H. Harbinger

T.H. Harbinger is the pen name of Jim Lenz. Jim has an extensive background working in aerospace, automotive, and off-road controls for 40 years and has held adjunct professor positions in various university MBA programs around the world.

Add one of T.H. Harbinger's novels to your gift list today!

You can find more details about the books at the link in the description.

Insights on Innovation City: Champaign Address: 507 Haines Boulevard Website https://www.insightsoninnovation.net/ Phone 12176211687 Email clkmkr@gmail.com

Historical Mystery Novels Tell Untold Stories Of Influential Science Figures
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