Integrative Holistic Webinar Resolves Generational Trauma For NYC High Achievers

Heal from your insecurities and shame with Heart Wisdom Process. The group is now offering a free webinar for high achievers (business owners, professionals, executives) who may be suffering from generational trauma. Learn more at

Are you:

Constantly anxious, ashamed, or insecure? Worried that people don’t like you? Losing interest in your hobbies? Feeling detached from yourself and your surroundings?

You may be suffering from generational trauma.

Studies have shown that this type of trauma is usually found in high-achieving professionals. These individuals naturally place a lot of stress on themselves, but their trauma may make them even more insecure than usual, leading to an increased risk of depression or PTSD.

If you want to release yourself from your insecurities or shame, there’s a free webinar that can help.

Heart Wisdom Process launches a new webinar called "4 Shifts to Ending Crippling Insecurities and Shame". It is intended for high achievers dealing with lifelong insecurities and shame.

The new online self-healing seminar is an effective alternative to traditional psychotherapy. Paul Wong, who leads the team, clarifies that the webinar is not “therapy-therapy”. Rather, he and his team create customized guided meditation that helps you let go of old programming and conditioning held in the body.

The program supports you in reducing early life and generational trauma that has conditioned you to feel constantly insecure and ashamed.

Some conditionings are traumas from early life. Paul teaches you to let go of decades and generations of programming. He does not analyze your story, especially of what you may have suffered, but simply teaches you to get into a light subconscious trance customized for you and guides you to systematically release your old programs.

The purpose of meditations is to help you see the mind and body connection and the physical acts of storing programs. Paul helps you release old programs, such as forgotten memories playing in the subconscious over and over again.

Once these programs are released, thoughts and emotional insecurities are permanently removed without years or decades of traditional talk therapy. Paul and his team at Heart Wisdom Process take a holistic approach to end insecurities and shame and say that you can expect to see noticeable improvement within three to six months.

The Heart Wisdom Process is a self-inquiry process based on Eastern holistic principles. It takes a holistic approach to healing and helps you recognize repeated patterns in your unconscious and develop newer, healthier coping skills.

Similar to computers, unconscious bad programming can overload your “RAM” and cause you to operate inefficiently. Paul says that the Heart Wisdom Process “defrags” your hard drive so that you can live life in peace and harmony.

Paul writes, “We have been helping numerous successful business owners and executives over the last decade. Even though they are successful and high achievers in their careers, they are still suffering and unhappy with these personal life issues.”

Go to the link in the description so you can learn more. Heart Wisdom Process City: Park Ridge Address: PO Box 211 Website Phone +1-224-730-9000 Email

Integrative Holistic Webinar Resolves Generational Trauma For NYC High Achievers
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