Legal Assistance For Emotional Distress: Medical Practitioner Indecent Exposure

If you've been the victim of indecent exposure by a medical professional, Phil Edwards, Esq, the Abuse Guardian’s specialized sexual abuse lawyer in Newark, DE, encourages you to step forward and seek restitution. Schedule a free and confidential consultation today, at

These days, many people - especially women - know to keep their guard up when walking through unknown city neighborhoods or areas where incidents of crime and pedestrian victimization are disproportionately high. We can feel unsafe under these conditions, so we take precautions.

But what about when you're visiting your doctor, or someone else in the medical profession? In situations like these, we may feel disproportionately safe. This is a key reason why sexual predators in the medical profession can feel empowered to violate their patients, and why patients who've been victimized in this manner will suffer profound emotional distress and may want to remain silent.

The Abuse Guardian’s sexual abuse lawyer in Newark, DE, Phil Edwards, Esq, is a sexual abuse attorney who specializes in sexual abuse and indecent exposure by a medical professional.

A compassionate, well-regarded attorney, Phil is here to help you pursue legal action for the compensation you deserve.

In partnership with the Abuse Guardian national alliance, Phil's goal is to bring perpetrators of this type of sexual abuse to justice as a means of securing restitution for the emotional distress you're suffering and to prevent these incidents from reoccurring.

An investigation conducted by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution revealed 450 instances between 2016 and 2017 where doctors were brought before medical regulators or the courts for sexual misconduct or sex crimes. Due to its non-violent nature, instances of indecent exposure are assumed to be underreported.

If you've suffered this type of abuse, you have a team of advocates for justice on your side through Abuse Guardian, and a fierce attorney in Phil Edwards.

Here are a few things Phil says are important for you to bear in mind:

“Fighting for your rights as a victim of sexual abuse by a medical professional is vital. The courts take this sort of abuse very seriously, and so do I. If you've been the victim of indecent exposure, it’s imperative you report the incident immediately and that you pursue legal recourse for the compensation you deserve.”

Indecent exposure on the part of a medical professional is particularly heinous because of an implicit power imbalance that makes you more vulnerable to these acts. As a result, you may feel uncomfortable about coming forward for fear you won't be believed.

The fundamental mandate upheld by Phil Edwards and the Abuse Guardian is their belief in you. The organization provides clients with their unwavering support, ensuring their voices are heard, that medical malpractice is brought to justice, and that victims secure appropriate compensation. This is an area in which they specialize, and they can help you obtain justice.

A skilled attorney will guide you through the legal process, fighting vigorously on your behalf to bring your abuser to account and to award you the compensation you're due.

As an experienced sexual abuse attorney, Phil Edwards offers complimentary, confidential consultations, and encourages you to come forward.

Are you struggling with ongoing emotional distress after being the victim of indecent exposure by a trusted medical professional? Click on the link in the description to learn more and to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.

Abuse Guardian City: Garnet Valley Address: 1067 Mansion Lane, Website Phone 1 (267) 974-1069 Email

Legal Assistance For Emotional Distress: Medical Practitioner Indecent Exposure
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