Lightning Prevention

Known for excellence in design and manufacturing, we have become a trusted name in the Lightning Prevention industry.

The innovation in lightning prevention with CMCE-SERTEC

Benjamin Franklin performed his famous kite experiment in 1752. With the invention of the Franklin Rod, he discovered two types of atmospheric electricity, positive (+) and negative (-). However, the Franklin Lightning Rod used to this day, attracts the lightning towards it, similar to the (ESE) Early Streamer Emitter technology…..and if in the proximity of such a lightning rod, there is high risk to be in an area with a greater possibility of lightning strikes.

In storms when lightning strikes the lightning rods of the protected structure, all the elements for a lightning strike are also there, Electronic Magnetic Pulse, Radiation and a significant heat wave.

So, is it safe to be close to a conventional lightning rod or ESE? The answer will surely be NO, since not only the direct impact of lightning is dangerous but also its dispersion on the ground and structures.

In 1916 Nikola Tesla in his patent No. 1,266,175 mentioned it is popularly believed that By allowing the attraction of the lightning strike to the Franklin rod was a danger ….. the needle-shaped lightning rod performs two functions: one, to drain the ground of its negative electricity, the other to neutralise the positive electricity of the clouds. To some extent it performs both functions. But a systematic study of electrical disturbances on earth has made it palpably apparent, the action of the Franklin conductor, in the commonly interpreted way, is largely illusory.

Actual measurement proves the amount of electricity escaping from numerous points is entirely insignificant when compared to that induced within a considerable area of ​​the earth, and unimportant in the dissipation process. However, it is true the negatively charged air in the vicinity of the lightning rod, which has been converted into a conductor through its influence, facilitates the passage of the lightning rod.

Thus, the probability of a lightning strike in the immediate vicinity increases. The fundamental facts behind this type of lightning rod are: First, it attracts the lightning, so that it will be hit by one more often than if it were not; second, it renders most, but not all shocks received harmless; third, by making air conductive, and for other reasons, it is sometimes the cause of damage to objects in the immediate vicinity; and fourth, in general, its power to prevent damage predominates, more or less, over the risks it calls for. Over the years, Nikola Tesla was shown to be correct in his claims about lightning protection as well as many other neglected issues. (The Nikola Tesla Patent from 1916 1,266,175 patent )

Ever wondered why thunderstorms are so feared of late? The answer is, everyday electronic devices are highly affected by the effects of lightning, a situation which did not occur a few decades ago. Many will remember the recommendations to "unplug the TV in a storm." Today this practice is almost impossible given the amount of artifacts in use connected to the electrical network, telephone lines or data networks.

In addition, the information received today, is through news channels and social networks about accidents of people on beaches, public places and even inside their homes.

News in the newspapers show alters,, videos on the internet show lightning strikes in buildings, vehicles and on people. All this adds a new problem to which modern life provides.

What to do?

Based on the concepts of Nikola Tesla and the experience of years of studies in laboratories and field experimentation, Sertec have developed the CMCE (Multiple Electric Field Compensator) model whose function is to compensate the electric field between ground and cloud within order to minimize lightning strikes. By taking away the possibility fo a build up of the opporsite charge on the ground and up ward streamer. By De Ionizing the atmosphere…. It was Nikola Tesla who understood over 100 years ago the fundamentals of a lighting strike.

Now it is possible to feel protected from thunderstorms. These devices act as an umbrella over family and assets, bringing the possibility of lightning strikes within their protection range to a minimum.

The new CMCE-SERTEC Technology

The CMCE (Balancing or compensating device for variable electric fields and electrostatic charge deionizer) is a Protection System Against Atmospheric Discharges and Electromagnetic Protector THAT PREVENTS THE FORMATION OF RAY.

Defined as a PASSIVE COLLECTOR SYSTEM for electrostatic currents IN TIME, which derives them to ground, whose operating principle is based on balancing or compensating the variable electric field existing in its environment, avoiding the generation of the UPWARD TRACER in the device and structure which protects, depending on its coverage radius.

It also MINIMIZES, significantly the INDIRECT EFFECTS caused by lightning strikes in its surroundings, outside its coverage radius, since, in this case, it behaves like a thermal fuse, absorbing part of the lightning energy into heat by fusion of its internal components, minimizing electromagnetic effects.

Protection efficiency, 99% reduction of direct lightning impact on the protected structure.

Certifications and Compliance

Complies with IEC, EN, UNE-EN and BS-EN 62305 Part 1,2,3,4.

Complies with UL 96 (For a specific device)

Complies with Rohs regulations.

It has CE marking.

It has UCKA marking.

ISO 9001:2015

ISO 14001:2015

Conformity to the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Approved by the TESLA institute based on:

- IEC 60060-1:2010 High voltage test techniques Part 1: General definitions and test requirements

- IEC 60060-2:2010 High voltage test techniques - Part 2: Measurement systems

SERTEC S.R.L. Is approved within the NATO Cataloging System (NOC) with the NCAGE code SFKU3 for the CMCE SERTEC lightning rods.

DUNS REGISTRATION Number 955067967

UNE 21186:2011 NFC 17102:2011: (Laboratories with ENAC-ILAC and ISO 17025 Accreditation):

-High voltage electrical impulse and ignition tests up to a record voltage of 840KV at one meter without formation of tracers.

-Mechanical, Environmental Tests of Saline Fog, in sulfurous atmosphere, of current, of advance of Priming.

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Lightning Prevention
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