LinkedIn Profile Professional Photo Guide: Background & Lighting Tips

Are you failing to get noticed on LinkedIn? Maybe your profile photo is to blame. Follow these tips from Linked Leads DFY to make your profile picture shine. Learn more at

Ever heard the saying first impressions count? Although we all know we shouldn’t make initial judgments based on someone’s appearance, we still do it. And this is no different when using LinkedIn. The first thing people will notice when visiting your page is your profile image, so it's important to make it stand out from the crowd! Remember the old saying ‘You shouldn’t judge a book by its cover'? This is good advice but, if the cover isn’t appealing, we will all gravitate towards something else; it’s human nature! So how can you make sure you have the best ‘cover’ out there?

With its latest guide, Linked Leads DFY provides practical guidance on how to take a professional self-portrait that reflects your personality and personal brand. By following the expert’s advice, you can optimize your profile photo for maximum impact and visibility on LinkedIn.

Recent research from LinkedIn shows that members with professional photos receive 21 more profile views and 9 times more connection requests than their photo-less counterparts. With 71% of recruiters admitting they have rejected candidates because of a poor-quality profile picture, the latest advice from Linked Leads DFY is timely.

“Ultimately, choosing the right profile picture is key to making sure that potential employers or business partners recognize and remember you,” the guide says. Don't let one bad photo ruin your chance of recruitment success!

When taking your professional headshot, the experts at Linked Leads DFY recommend using a high-quality camera in natural light, avoiding busy or cluttered backdrops. Group photographs should be avoided and the chosen angle must reflect confidence and personality, the guide explains. If you're concerned about your own photographic skills, you may wish to consider hiring a professional photographer, who can provide advice on background, outfit, lighting and props to achieve the best results.

“Dressing etiquette is a key factor in creating the perfect professional image,” the experts explain. “Keep it simple and remember that your outfit should be consistent with the photo background.” So stay away from that fancy dress box and remember to keep it professional.

Alongside its tips for taking professional profile pictures, the guide also provides recommendations for photo editing. Cropping tools, filters and text overlays are all listed as useful editing techniques when crafting your perfect profile image. You should aim to have your face filling 60% of the space, so cropping the picture to show off just your head and shoulders works best, the guide states.

It is important to update your profile photo regularly to stay current and demonstrate credibility. A spokesperson for the company says: “By customizing your profile picture regularly, you can increase the visibility of your social presence, stand out from the competition, and give people an easy way to recognize you.”

Similarly, keeping your profile picture up to date improves communication, creating new opportunities for networking on the platform. By displaying a unique, creative profile photo, you can increase your visibility and gain more attention from potential employers.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Make sure they're good ones! Discover more tips for taking the perfect LinkedIn profile photo by clicking on the link in the description. Linked Leads DFY City: New York Address: 60 W 23rd St Website Phone +1 877 675 4340 Email

LinkedIn Profile Professional Photo Guide: Background & Lighting Tips
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