Lung Strengthening Exercises for COPD: Pursed-Lip & Diaphragmatic Breathing

If you've been diagnosed with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and are looking for ways to manage the disease and improve your life quality, you should read Senior Health Care Hub's latest guide "Coping With COPD: Lifestyle Tips And Treatments."Learn more at

Being Diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease & What it Means For You

Being diagnosed with COPD is no picnic. While there's no cure for this chronic disease, there are things you can do to manage it. In Senior Health Care Hub's latest guide, they teach you about risk factors, early symptoms, lifestyle modifications, and effective treatments you should consider when it comes to COPD. By staying informed, you can take proactive measures to slow down the progress of the disease and improve your life quality!

Senior Health Care Hub is an online resource for caregivers and older adults seeking medical and health advice for common age-related conditions. As you might know, age is one of the biggest risk factors for COPD, a disease that affects millions of Americans every year. With the latest guide, Senior Health Care Hub wants to provide you with accessible information and actionable advice on how you can take charge of your lung health!

COPD- A Collective Name for Chronic Lung Diseases You Might Not Know You Have

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines COPD as "a group of diseases that cause airflow blockage and breathing-related problems" and points out that it includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. According to the institution, 6.4%, or 15.7 million, of Americans suffer from the chronic disease, and it's more common to be diagnosed after 65. Contrary to what was previously believed, the condition is more prevalent in women. Another notable finding is that over 50% of adults with low pulmonary function were unaware of their condition. So make sure you look out for symptoms, as early detection and treatment play a big role in managing the disease.

Lifestyle Choices & Exercises to Reduce Symptoms

Senior Health Care Hub's guide "Coping With COPD: Lifestyle Tips And Treatments" covers essential topics regarding the disease and gives you insights into lifestyle choices you should consider. And no, it's not just about quitting smoking. You know it, they know it, I know it: smoking is bad, especially if you have COPD. But this guide details other aspects, including:

Diet: A nutritious and well-rounded diet will help your body stay healthy. You should also make sure to get your daily dose of omega-3- foods like fish and tofu are packed with healthy fatty acids with anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce symptoms of COPD. Breathing techniques: By practicing deep breathing exercises like pursed-lip, you can strengthen your respiratory muscles and increase the air you exhale. Rehabilitation: Pulmonary rehabilitation programs are designed to help COPD patients improve physical endurance and reduce breathlessness. Environmental factors: To reduce flare-ups, you should make sure to avoid air-polluted areas and avoid smoke- whether it's from a factory or a forest fire.

Self-Care- The Sweetest Medicine of Them All Furthermore, the guide underscores the significance of considering the emotional aspect of being diagnosed and living with a chronic disease like COPD. Taking time for self-care is an efficient method to reduce stress, leading to improved overall health. By seeking comfort from support groups or online communities, you can share your challenges with someone who understands. You're not alone in this, and together with friends, family, and others in a similar situation, you can still have many good years to look forward to.

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Lung Strengthening Exercises for COPD: Pursed-Lip & Diaphragmatic Breathing
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