MicroSeal Oriental Rug Protection In Germantown, TN: No More Stains & Fading

While Aladdin’s magic rug is out of reach, a clean rug isn’t - call River City Rug Cleaning (901-341-RUGS)! Learn more at https://rivercityrugcleaning.com/

If you've invested in a fine vintage rug and you want to keep it looking nice and clean for years to come, you got two options: declare that the rug is lava, or get MicroSeal fiber protection so you can actually enjoy your rug.

And, as fun as it sounds now, playing a life-long game of "floor" is lava would lose its appeal pretty fast. Plus, if you have some furry friends running around, I'm not sure they'd get in on the game.

So MicroSeal it is, then. Good, because I'm running out of stuff to say about floor is lava - but I do have a lot to say about MicroSeal.

But before I do, we need to go back in time - to the 14th century, when carpets became well-established across Europe - I'm kidding, we're not doing that.

You're not here for a history lesson - and I'm not equipped to give one.

What I can do though, is point you in the right direction if you have any questions about rug care: River City Rug Cleaning. But I'm not sure they offer rug history lessons; just use Wikipedia like a normal person.

With that out of the way... Let's, Finally, Talk About MicroSeal! As you no doubt know - or just recently found out! - rugs are delicate things. Just vacuuming them won't be enough - they require professional care. And, on top of regular professional cleaning, that means MicroSeal Fabric Protection - which protects your rug from spills, fading, dirt, mold, and more.

Professional cleaning is recommended every one to two years, at least - but MicroSeal doesn't even have to be done that often. More on that soon. First, let's see...

How Does MicroSeal Protect Your Rug? You may have heard of fabric protection solutions before - and there are many on the market, for sure. However, most are coatings - meaning they are applied on the surface of the fabric, trapping all the dirt underneath. Not great.

Which is why MicroSeal is the one professional rug cleaners, like River City Rug Cleaning, recommend. MicroSeal penetrates individual fibers, providing long-term sun fade and stain resistance and increases fabric life for any type of rug - whether it's made of wool, silk, or synthetic.

Once applied, MicroSeal takes up to 2 hours to dry - then you can take your rug home and enjoy! Now, the big question... How Long Does MicroSeal Last?

That's easy - MicroSeal won't wash off once you have your rug professionally cleaned. It can actually withstand up to 10 professional cleanings. And, if you've been paying attention, you know that rugs are professionally cleaned every one to two years - so your MicroSeal protection could virtually last as long as the rug itself.

And, it's not just for rugs, either. It can be used on fitted carpets and upholstery, too.

Is MicroSeal Safe for Kids & Pets? Long story short, yes - MicroSeal is perfectly safe for both your human babies and furry babies. The formula is biodegradable, VOC-free, non-allergenic, and odor-free.

Plus, it's obviously safe for your rugs - it won't change the color or texture of whatever fabric it's applied to.

Benefits of MicroSeal (Or Why MicroSeal is Better than Floor is Lava)

Just to recap real quick - here's what MicroSeal does:

Protects rugs from UV rays, spills, dirt, etc; Resists mold and mildew; Extends fabric life; Resists smoke and flame.

As for playing rug is lava for the rest of your life.... I'll leave that to you. If that's what you choose, I really wanna see your list of benefits. If, however, you've decided to go with MicroSeal, click the link in the description! River City Rug Cleaning City: Hickory Withe Address: 2815 U.S. 64 Website https://www.rivercityrugcleaning.com/ Phone +1 901 341 7847 Email terri@residentialcarepro.com

MicroSeal Oriental Rug Protection In Germantown, TN: No More Stains & Fading
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