Monmouth, NJ Alcohol-Free Sober Living Home for Mental Health Sufferers with SUD

Long-term sobriety is hard, even without an underlying mental health disorder. CFC Recovery gets that and offers a clean, safe and alcohol-free sober living home in Monmouth, NJ.To find more information and to file your application, go to:

If you're about to be or just was discharged from rehab, you've taken an important step towards a healthy life, and there are plenty of reasons to be proud of yourself for that! Now, the real journey begins as you return to your normal life. And it's going to be hard, especially if you're struggling with a mental health disorder. But that doesn't mean that all hope is lost; you just need the right conditions to remain healthy and positive. By choosing to stay in recovery housing, you set yourself up for a higher success rate of remaining sober.

While sobriety is a whole lot of genuine determination, no one can remain strong and positive in a destructive environment. In CFC Recovery's sober living home, you'll get the clean and positive grounds you need to build yourself up again.

According to SAMSHA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration), more than 25% of adults with serious mental health disorders also struggle with substance use disorders, underlining the need for housing and programs that understand this vulnerable group. CFC Recovery's staff are trained to care for mental health sufferers in early recovery and offer a structured and safe environment that prepares you for returning to normal life with confidence.

Now you understand that it's both common and extra tough to remain sober when you're struggling with your mental health. But why is it so common?

The National Institute of Mental Health explains that research has found three common reasons for SUDs (Substance Use Disorders) and co-occurring mental health disorders.

First, nature and nurture triggers are similar for mental health problems and substance use. Second, mental disorders can trigger alcohol and drug use, as many people turn to substances as a form of self-medication to regulate strong feelings. Lastly, using substances over a longer period can set off mental health issues, as they may alter the brain structure.

CFC Recovery opened their sober living homes in 2015 in response to seeing a lack of structured and well-managed housing alternatives. In addition to offering a supportive and loving network of peers, CFC Recovery puts great emphasis on independence. As a resident, you'll get guided into how to provide for yourself with career and internship opportunities offered to you, thanks to the facility's collaboration with the local Chamber of Commerce.

If you're looking for outpatient aftercare, you can find different options depending on your current needs. CFC Recovery hosts meetings following the 12-step program and a month-long intensive peer recovery program, as well as a range of community activities.

CFC Recovery was founded in 2012 by Daniel Regan and his mother, Lynn, after achieving long-term sobriety for Daniel, who had previously struggled with a heroin addiction. Their methods have helped over 20,000 individuals and family members remain free of substances and deal with mental health issues.

Click on the link in the description to learn more. CFC Recovery City: Farmingdale Address: 260 Casino Drive Website Phone +1-866-798-3232 Email

Monmouth, NJ Alcohol-Free Sober Living Home for Mental Health Sufferers with SUD
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