Need more time in your day? Discover the hacks of high-performing entrepreneurs.

Imagine if you were able to add more hours to your day? A newly released book has the power to create time by using today's most effective productivity tools and time management strategies. A must-read for busy entrepreneurs, exclusively available on Amazon or

This pivotal book was written with the intention of arming entrepreneurs with the world's best productivity tools and most effective time management strategies available today. The intent is to grow and profit faster so people can start living the life they dream about living today, instead of decades from now.

There is particular excitement around this launch because there has never been another book like this before. It covers all the essential components of high-performing entrepreneurs and businesspeople and is offered in a summarized style that allows people to quickly find, consume, and implement what they need when they need it.

The journey of all entrepreneurs requires various tools at different stages, and this guidebook is meant to be revisited and used as a fast reference tool that provides understandable explanations and a selection of action steps. Readers will save tremendous amounts of time by not having to comb through dozens of books or individually research each of these rituals, especially in moments of need when time is always tight. This enormous time-saving advantage may be the difference between a successful execution and a total flop.

Productivity Rituals For Digital Entrepreneurs sets its main focus on adding hours to the day by killing procrastination, escaping shiny object syndrome, and avoiding other common time wasters. Many of the productivity rituals found in this guidebook will reveal hidden secrets such as what procrastination really is and how to permanently set yourself free from it, the trap of over-analyzing, the difference between quitting and pivoting, discovering the most important things to focus on, identifying one`s blindspots, how to engineer successful outcomes, and a lot more.

For the first time ever, 77 productivity rituals and 20 productivity tools have been condensed and arranged in an easy-to-consume book that may become a long-term success companion. The lessons, principles, tools, and stories are timeless and are all needed at different stages of the entrepreneurial journey.

Now they are all in one convenient, easily accessible place.

Readers will likely take a particular interest in the basket of verified productivity tools that are showcased in chapter 5. There has never been a better time to be a digital entrepreneur, with new categories of businesses being created almost daily, and with the ushering in of accessible AI, it is now possible for anyone to plant a flag and succeed.

Heather Farrell is a successful digital entrepreneur whose mission is to prove that anyone can build a profitable online business from anywhere in the world. A seasoned expat who has been living and working overseas for 22 years, she personifies the digital lifestyle. She is responsible for multiple seven figures in top-line revenue, is a super affiliate, a published author, and a great human being who is a force for good in this world. This all helped shape the creation of the book, which is a compilation of several decades of living and working in 5 countries, intense personal development, direct market experience, and several years' worth of specific training in a variety of disciplines.

Today she works from the road while traveling the world with her husband and their expat kitty named Shelby. When asked about why she wrote the book, Farrell said: "After being asked on numerous occasions for my best advice and suggestions, I decided to put pen to paper and make a note of each one I could think of".

Farrell believes that the book will save other entrepreneurs thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours from going down the wrong path, or the loss of enthusiasm and ambition that happens when people get stuck in a rut, spinning their wheels and getting nowhere. This book can show anyone in any business how to get unstuck and move forward.

This positive outlook from the author is certainly a testament to her optimism, considering some of the mishaps that resulted in its creation. As with any great story, there were several mishaps along the way, the biggest was staying stuck in the wrong business for 6 years until the COVID pandemic hit and forced a change. Refusing to pivot can be just as detrimental as actually quitting.

In a recent interview, the author made a point of dedicating the book to her mother, who was a vanguard and a pioneer for women in business, for her part in the creation of this book which came through the molding of her daughter. Farrell went on to explain that she will always be deeply grateful to her mom for demonstrating the courage and moxie it took in her day to ascend and become one of the first women in Canada to hold a high-level management position in a large international corporation. Expressing pride in her mother`s accomplishments, she went on to call her one of the early trailblazers who smashed through more than one glass ceiling in the business world and helped open doors for the businesswomen who would follow.

Those interested in learning more about the book can visit here:

The book's cover art was created by Heather Farrell, and Productivity Rituals For Digital Entrepreneurs has been released and self-published in true entrepreneur style.

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Need more time in your day? Discover the hacks of high-performing entrepreneurs.
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