New Guide Shows How To Set Up A Home Hydroponics System Without A Balcony

Want to start an organic garden but lack the space for it? Check out’s latest guides to see how you can transform your living space into a thriving greenspace! Visit to learn more!

Urban gardening is the latest “in” thing right now, and for good reason. If you can grow your own food at home, you’re not only living a more environmentally friendly lifestyle, but you’re also saving money on groceries.

But if you’ve been deterred from starting an apartment garden because those crazy setups you’ve seen on the net look a little bit too ambitious for you… Well, don’t be! Indoor gardening is a lot simpler than you think. And if you don’t know where to begin, can get you started with their guides on hydroponics and indoor composting!

You may have heard the word “hydroponics” being thrown around lately. Hydroponic systems have actually been growing in popularity in urban gardening communities, and that’s because they can lead to some very cool and innovative setups in small spaces.

Hydroponics, a type of soilless gardening, is particularly suitable for apartments; as a soil-free growing method, you won’t face issues typical of traditional gardening, such as poor soil quality or soil-borne pests. Closed hydroponics are also very water efficient, as water and nutrients circulate directly to the roots of the plants; very little will be lost to run-off or evaporation, resulting in up to a 90% reduction in water usage compared to traditional gardening.

The basic components of a hydroponic growing system are net pots, an adequate light source, water-soluble nutrient solutions, and pH test kits to ensure ideal growing conditions for your plants of choice.

Too busy (or lazy) to take care of your garden? says that you can also invest in smart sensors and automated timers, lights, and pumps to reduce the need for maintenance.

To maximize growing space, suggests creating vertical gardens with stackable planters, wall-mounted and hanging baskets, and modular systems, which all have the additional benefit of adding visual appeal to an indoor area. There’s nothing more calming than walking into your living room and seeing sunbeams filtering gently through all those leaves!

According to the guides, the easiest plants to grow in such setups are leafy greens, herbs, high-yielding vegetables like tomatoes and cucumbers, and strawberries. All of these can make a fine meal, and the more you harvest, the more they’ll grow. That’s why gardens are great: they’re a gift that keeps giving!

So, you’ve harvested your homegrown vegetables and cooked yourself a nice dinner with them. But in the process, you’ve generated a bit of waste. Ideally, you’d want to compost it, but is that really possible in an apartment?

Actually, it is! says that you can dispose of your food scraps sustainably with advanced technology such as the Vitamix FoodCycler, a compact and odor-free composting device that is well-suited for small living spaces.

But keep in mind that you should only use it for fruits, vegetables, grains, coffee grounds, and eggshells; pits, large bones or pieces of meat, and greasy or heavily seasoned foods may cause it to malfunction. Nothing is perfect in this world, but for an indoor composting machine that doesn’t have a smell, the benefits far outweigh the costs! is run by a community dedicated to sustainable urban living. The website offers various resources on indoor and balcony gardening, eco-friendly practices, and other tips for maintaining an environmentally conscious lifestyle without sacrificing comfort.

Sustainable urban living isn’t limited to hyper-complicated, Instagram-worthy setups; it can be achieved in other ways, and really easily at that. If you want to start getting into the habit, start with a simple hydroponics system and high-tech gadgets like the Vitamix FoodCycler. And once you’ve gotten into the swing of things, you can check out’s other guides to see what best fits your lifestyle!

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New Guide Shows How To Set Up A Home Hydroponics System Without A Balcony
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