New Jersey Addiction Facility Offers Private, Discreet Treatment For Youth

If your child is struggling with a substance use disorder, Relevance Recovery in New Jersey (866-245-1497) offers effective, age-appropriate treatments that address the challenges faced by today's adolescents. Connect with an addictions specialist now, at

Adolescents struggling with an addiction to drugs or alcohol are not usually willing to reach out for help. It's only when parents start noticing a drastic change in behavior that these conversations can open up. By that time, most adolescent addicts are caught in a substance abuse cycle they simply can't break on their own.

In addition to addiction, many adolescents struggle with mental health issues like anxiety, depression, defiance, and/or anger which can compound their desire to self-medicate with drugs or alcohol.

If your child is in need of addiction treatment, you'll find one of the best dual diagnosis programs (treatment for addiction and mental health disorder comorbidity) at New Jersey's Relevance Recovery facility. Get the compassionate, private, and discreet treatment you're after, and let's put your child on the path to a happier life in sobriety and mental wellness.

Adolescents who have developed a substance addiction struggle with emotional and mental health issues that are drastically different than those experienced by adults, and therefore require specialized treatment. Relevance Health offers dual diagnosis and IOP treatments specifically aimed at helping adolescents overcome their addictions. Their comprehensive support system is here to empower your teen by giving them the tools they need to live a happy and rewarding life in sobriety.

Research published at the National Library of Medicine reveals the prefrontal cortex - the part of the brain that controls impulsivity, goal setting, reasoning, and judgment - is still developing during the pre-teen and teen years. While this can lead to a propensity for impulsive substance abuse it also gives you the opportunity to intervene at a pivotal time. When treatments for addiction are tailored toward an adolescent individual’s unique needs, they can be very successful over the long term. Essentially, you're helping with the re-wiring of your child's impulse-reward system so that healthier habits produce the rush of feel-good endorphins substances trigger.

The dual diagnosis treatments offered at Relevance Health will directly address your child's specific psychological, developmental, and social needs. Rooted in evidence-based and award-winning approaches, the facility offers Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which modifies harmful beliefs, thoughts, and patterns of behavior by talking them through, and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), which addresses the emotional side of addiction and mental illness.

The Relevance Teen after-school program offers additional structured therapeutic activities aimed at helping your child succeed in their recovery. Treatments focus on alleviating self-defeating thinking, enhancing self-acceptance, and changing harmful habits. Complementary treatments introduce adolescents to the benefits of exercise, meditation, yoga, equine therapy, and other activities that boost mental wellness and support a life of sobriety.

Adolescents on the road to recovery from addiction are significantly more likely not to relapse when they pursue follow-up, continuing care treatments. This is what distinguishes Relevance Recovery. They offer a full range of therapeutic modalities and programs specifically designed to keep adolescents engaged and on track to achieving their goals.

Let's interrupt the addiction cycle today for a happier and healthier tomorrow. Click on the link in the summary to find out more.

Relevance Behavioral Health City: Freehold Township Address: 61 W Main Street Website Phone +1 866 245 1497 Email

New Jersey Addiction Facility Offers Private, Discreet Treatment For Youth
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