Phoenix Lawyer Provides Legal Guidance To Prep School Students Exposed To Porn

When suing prep schools in Phoenix, AZ, for child sex abuse, it can feel like you’re David battling Goliath. Abuse Guardian (+1-267-974-1069) offers legal representation for these sensitive cases, aiming to establish justice. Book your session by visiting

It’s the news no parent wants to hear: your child has been molested by teachers. Take heart, knowing that Abuse Guardian is there to support you with free legal consultations.

The many high-profile cases of prep school sex abuse that have been reported over the last few years have underlined the need for legal representation for victims and their families. Atty. Kevin Biniazan, Abuse Guardian’s legal advocate in Arizona, says it can be intimidating to sue prestigious institutions, which is why he offers no-obligation and no-fee legal advice.

According to Atty. Biniazan, prosecuting guilty parties not only seeks justice for survivors but also protects other potential victims. Recognizing the sensitive nature of such cases, he prioritizes discretion and privacy, given that your child will likely be underage when legal proceedings start.

Research highlights the prevalence of sexual abuse, with 10% of private school students reporting such incidents. Boarding school students, in particular, face higher risks because of limited contact with family and friends. At the same time, administrators may fail to properly vet employees, exposing pupils to those with tendencies (or existing records) of sexual abuse.

Atty. Biniazan notes that prep school child molestation is a systemic issue that can cause severe and lasting trauma to your child. Leveraging his extensive expertise, he can represent you even against prominent institutions in Arizona.

The lawyer can also represent your child if they experienced other inappropriate behavior, such as exposure to pornography or lewd touching. He can conduct in-depth evidence gathering, including commissioning medical expert witnesses to strengthen your case's chances of getting a favorable ruling. Atty. Biniazan likewise offers guidance on statutes of limitations, taking into account circumstances that may extend or suspend these limits.

Atty. Biniazan strives to secure the highest possible settlement for you, easing the financial burden of getting medical care and psychological consultations for your child. He can also advise you on legal options beyond financial compensation, including pursuing criminal charges and obtaining restraining orders against perpetrators.

Abuse Guardian says: “Our team's track record speaks for itself, as they have successfully represented survivors and helped them reclaim their lives.”

This, too, shall pass. With the help of Abuse Guardian, you can take the necessary legal steps to hold your child’s abusers accountable.

Click the link in the description for more details. Abuse Guardian City: Garnet Valley Address: 1067 Mansion Lane, Website Phone 1 (267) 974-1069 Email

Phoenix Lawyer Provides Legal Guidance To Prep School Students Exposed To Porn
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