Private School Bill Savings Platform Helps Reduce Energy & Gas Expenditure

If your organization is spending too much on utilities, Recession Resister's Bill Saver expense reduction tool is specially designed to help you cut down on overhead costs and increase profitability. Visit for more details.

Balancing the budget in your organization can be a constant trial - especially as energy costs continue to soar!

To help you cut down on costs and avoid overpaying for your utility services, the Bill Saver platform from Recession Resister offers a handy tool.

The platform is designed to help you identify various areas of unnecessary expenditure in your private school and reduce utilities costs for healthier profit margins.

At a time when your educational institution may be struggling to make ends meet amid rising energy prices, the cost-cutting tool provides a way for you to negotiate better rates for regular services, including electric and gas.

A recent study by the American Educational Research Association shows that educators are frequently faced with a need to perform cost-utility analyses as part of increasing institutional effectiveness and profitability in a competitive market. Recession Resister’s bill saving tool offers a means for you to analyze expenditure and increase your available resources for greater efficiency.

“Many schools don’t realize that they could be overpaying in a number of areas,” explains a company representative. “Regardless of why or how you are overpaying, we help you lower your bills so you can focus on education and better serving your students.”

Bill Saver includes a number of services, including bill auditing. During an audit, the trained team goes through several years’ worth of your previous bills to find possible reductions and refunds in areas like electric, natural gas, water/sewer, trash, and telecommunications.

As part of the bill negotiation phase, the team contacts your service providers - including internet, cellular, pest control, water delivery, and payroll services - to get lower rates without any changes to existing plans. All negotiations are done directly through Bill Saver, requiring no additional action from school staff.

Bill Saver's professionals will also set up energy auto switching, so that electric, gas, and community solar accounts automatically move to a different provider if a more competitive rate is available, saving your school time and money on your utilities.

Along with an assessment of energy consumption patterns for your major appliances, like coolers, HVACs, and freezers, Bill Saver gives you and your staff practical guidance for better employee retention rates and tax strategies.

Start boosting your organizational profits today - sign up for Bill Saver!

Find more details at the link in the description.

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Private School Bill Savings Platform Helps Reduce Energy & Gas Expenditure
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