SEO Alternative For Pasadena Dentists: Own Page 1 With Autocomplete Optimization

Do you hate typing? Of course you do. Your patients hate it too! So why not meet them halfway by promoting your practice in the Google autocomplete box? Learn more at

Welcome, one and all, to the ultimate marketing strategy showdown - a match that will go down in history. In the red corner, the undisputed online visibility champion, SEO. And, in the blue corner, the contender, SBO. Tonight’s prize? Digital marketing domination!

I want a fair fight, you got it? No black-hat tactics, no tricks. Good luck!

Now as fun as it would be to ask two pro boxers to duke it out and settle this matter once and for all, we can’t really do that, obviously. Not only because no one would agree to do it but also because this is one of those things we really need to settle with words, not fists.

And that’s why we're here today - we're gonna see if SEO really is all that it's cracked up to be. After all, to paraphrase the great and late George Carlin, if it’s undisputed what's all the fighting about?

SEO: How it Works & What it Does We all know what SEO is. How it works though - well, that can either be really simple or really complicated. On the surface, it's simple - you optimize your website so that it pleases the Google algorithm gods and matches the user's search intent so that it would rank higher. On the other hand, though, it's sooo not simple - how do you know what pleases the algorithm gods? Besides, gods are a fickle mistress; what if they change their minds?

You got two options: 1) stay buried on page 2, or worse; or 2) pay an SEO expert for ongoing maintenance.

I don't know about you - but neither sounds great to me.

And don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that SEO never works, or that it's dead; all I'm saying is, it's oversaturated - because literally everyone's doing the same thing - and it can get expensive trying to keep up with all the changes. Not to mention that it can take up to 8 months before it gets any results - and in the today age, that's like 8 years.

When it does work, however, it's pretty great - make no mistake. Ranking #1 on Google for your target keywords is no mean feat. But what if we could make it faster, more consistent, cheaper, and - hey while we're at it - what if you could own the first 10 spots, not just 1?


SBO: What it Is, How it Works & What it Does Okay, while SEO may be the undisputed champion of the marketing world, SBO is the new kid, the underdog. So we need to talk a little about what it actually is. SBO stands for search box optimization, but it's also known as 'autocomplete optimization' - and it pretty much does what says on the tin. It optimizes the Google search box. As to how it does that, that's where things get interesting...

Let's say you're a dentist in Pasadena, and your goal is to rank for "Pasadena Dental Implants Dentist", all you need to do is find a marketing agency that specializes in SBO. Then you just buy your keyword phrase and let them do the legwork. Their marketing experts will then get your target keyword phrase and brand name in the autosuggestions box on Google; for example, "Pasadena Dental Implants Dentist Dr. Doom" (though if you're a dentist I sincerely hope that's not your name).

Now all you need is for your prospective patients to start typing "Pasadena Dental Implants" in the search bar and Google will show "Pasadena Dental Implants Dentist Dr. Doom" as a suggested term. And this is important, because people are using autocomplete a lot - 71% of us use it, in fact. There's probably a more in-depth explanation as to why that is - but I like to put it in simple terms: people hate typing.

But that's not the end of it, of course. After all, I did say we found a way to get the 10 first spots on page 1. Which is exactly what people will see when they click on your term in the autocomplete box - a Google page 1 dominated by you.

SEO vs. SBO: Costs & Results Compared So what's the catch? Is what you must be wondering now. And I'm happy to report that there isn't one. SBO is not some too-good-to-be-true gimmick that promises results overnight, for free. It's faster than SEO, but not that fast. It's also cheaper than SEO, but it's not free.

Where SEO will get you results in 6 to 8 months, SBO will get you results in 60 to 90 days. And, with SBO, the results are guaranteed and consistent because they don't depend on what your competition is doing or the algorithm gods.

Speaking of algorithm gods, SEO needs constant tinkering to work, which means ongoing maintenance costs. SBO has a fixed monthly cost... and that's it.

That's a lot more bang for a lot less buck.

SBO: The "Hidden" Benefit SEO Can't Match Okay, this is probably my favorite part. They say money can't buy love and trust - and it can't. But money can buy SBO services, which can build customer trust and make the Google gods love you.

What I mean is, once people see that Google is essentially recommending you, they will trust you more and see you as the leading expert. And, with so many people clicking on your autocomplete term and visiting your website, Google will see you as a trustworthy source of information - which means it'll start ranking you higher all on its own.

As I said at the beginning, this is a fair fight - and I'm not here to tell you who the winner is. That's up to you. But if the undisputed champion failed to impress and you're ready to try the cool new thing, My Tooth Media is one to talk to. You can check them out at the link in the description.

DJG Global Investments, LLC DBA My Tooth Media City: Marina Del Rey Address: 578 Washington Blvd Website Phone +1-213-215-5772 Email

SEO Alternative For Pasadena Dentists: Own Page 1 With Autocomplete Optimization
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