Shark Finning Prevention: Restore Marine Bio-Diversity With Strict Hunting Laws

As big and scary as they can sometimes be, we need sharks, and Ever Wonder Adventure—an online platform dedicated to restoring the balance between nature and humanity—wants to tell you why! Go to!/Save-Sharks-Stop-Shark-Finning/c/154444751 to find out more.

As fantastic a movie as Jaws is, it did nothing for the reputation of sharks! Thankfully, Ever Wonder Adventure is here to defend sharks and change people's opinions about them!

In its new report, the environmental advocacy group calls for decisive action to be taken against the consumption of shark fins. The report also debunks some of the myths surrounding sharks, addresses some of their misrepresentations in the media, and explains why they are a critical part of the marine ecosystem.

The Sad Truth

According to the Smithsonian’s Ocean Portal, around 100 million sharks are killed annually globally. Though there are many reasons for this staggering number, the primary reason is the high monetary and cultural value of shark fins, which can sell for as much as $500 a pound at market. With its report, Ever Wonder Adventure is trying to urge authorities to adopt strict laws and regulations regarding the barbaric practice.

“The relentless hunting and killing of sharks for their fins, driven by culinary and fashion fancies, showcases shocking cruelty and a blatant disregard for their survival,” explained a spokesperson for Ever Wonder Adventure. “The purpose of our report is to try and protect these magnificent creatures and preserve the balance of our planet’s marine ecosystem.”

What Is Shark Finning?

Shark finning—which involves capturing sharks, removing their fins, and then discarding their bodies back into the sea—is already illegal in many waters. However, it continues to be a profitable industry in areas where it remains legal and with thriving black markets, generating between 400 and 500 million USD annually.

It's Time To Say 'Finis' To Shark Finning!

Ever Wonder Adventure argues that the practice of shark finning should be outlawed globally due to the ecological importance of sharks, among many reasons. They say that, because sharks are apex predators, they play an integral role in regulating the populations of other marine species, which in turn, prevents potentially harmful imbalances from occurring.

Once such imbalance would be the disruption of the food chain, which, if sharks were to go extinct, is a very real possibility. Another possible imbalance would be the devastation and destruction of the coral reef, which would experience unprecedented numbers of herbivorous fish feeding on it should sharks not be there to keep them in check.

“If shark finning continues at its current rates, it will have dire consequences on our marine ecosystem,” said the spokesperson. “The time has come for decisive action against the hunting of sharks for their fins. We need to embrace a future where the consumption of shark fins as a delicacy becomes nothing more than a shameful relic of the past.”

Click on the link in the description for more information. Ever Wonder Adventure City: Singapore Address: One Oxley Rise Website Phone +65 9116 2020 Email

Shark Finning Prevention: Restore Marine Bio-Diversity With Strict Hunting Laws
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