Sustainable Lime-Based Paint With Graphene Fibers For Durability & Adhesion

If you’re looking for the safest, most environmentally friendly architectural paint on the market, look no further than Pinnacle Paints’ collection of Graphenstone mineral-based paints and coatings! Visit to learn more!

If your first instinct upon walking into a freshly painted room is to gag, then that should already tell you enough about the paint that was used in the project. Paints that reek of chemicals probably emit them by the boatloads too, so it’s only natural that you’d want to avoid them!

But do you know what else is natural? Graphenstone’s environmentally friendly, mineral-based paints, which Pinnacle Paints offers in their store! With their durability, resistance to fire and cracking, and natural ingredients that are 100% safe for you, your family, your clients, your pets, etc., Graphenstone’s paints and coatings are clearly the best choice to make when it comes to architectural paint!

According to Graphenstone, synthetic paints often contain petroleum-based materials that emit carcinogenic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and formaldehyde during the application and drying process. Furthermore, synthetic paints are often impermeable, which promotes condensation and, subsequently, mold growth.

Also, they stink with the kind of chemical “fragrance” that tends to go all the way down to your lungs. Just imagine how that affects your health!

That’s not something you’ll have to worry about with Graphenstone, though. Because limestone is one of the main components of Graphenstone paints and coatings, their products are both highly breathable and alkaline, discouraging the growth of bacteria and fungi.

The artisanal lime used in Graphenstone’s mineral-based paints is extracted with millennial wood-burning kilns, achieving a high degree of purity and whiteness without the need for chemical additives. By the way, you don’t need to burn fossil fuels or chemicals for this age-old technique. All you need is good old firewood.

Additionally, due to the specific properties of lime, the products have a high solar reflective index and absorb CO2 from the atmosphere while curing. The paint sequesters as much CO2 as an adult tree, and it’ll reflect heat away from the surface it’s applied to! Any property with a layer of this paint will be that much more energy-efficient for the paint’s entire lifetime!

And boy, will that lifetime last forever. That’s because Graphenstone also incorporates its unique graphene nanotechnology into its products, allowing for improved durability and thermal conductivity while providing the same level of adhesion, flexibility, and washability as synthetic paints.

The graphene fibers, which are composed of pure carbon, provide the paint with greater structural support at a molecular level and contribute to its longevity. Do you know what else is pure carbon? Diamond. That’s right. The hardest material on the planet. That’s the kind of durability that’s in every coat of Graphenstone paint.

The combination of these natural and hypoallergenic ingredients has earned Graphenstone’s paints a series of certifications, including C2C Health GOLD, GreenTag Health GOLD, and Sensitive Choice Blue Butterfly, all of which deem the products suitable for individuals suffering from respiratory conditions.

Honestly, they’re also great for people who are fortunate enough to not have any breathing issues. Good air is universal!

And they have paint for everything. Graphenstone’s Biosphere paint is ideal for construction, restoration, and repainting, while their Ecosphere paint is designed for both home exterior and interior walls. Pinnacle Paints sells both of these products in their store, along with other odorless and non-toxic architectural coatings, wood finishes, and flooring. With the expansion of their inventory, the company remains a leading provider of safe, sustainable paints and coatings in America.

If you want a healthy home with a fresh coat of paint, Graphenstone is the one you want to go for. No other paint boasts the same level of innovation! Seriously, what a perfect blend of technology and tradition!

Want to learn more about why Pinnacle Paints’ Graphenstone products are so good? Visit the link in the description to learn more! Pinnacle Paints City: Dallas Address: 616 West Mockingbird Lane Website Phone +1 214 678 0080 Email

Sustainable Lime-Based Paint With Graphene Fibers For Durability & Adhesion
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