The Best Fast-Growing Vegetables For Urban Gardens: Food Growing & Storage Guide

Worried about food shortages? You don’t have to be when you have an endless supply of food in your garden! Read Survival Seeds for an Urban Area’s guides to see how you can guarantee self-sufficiency by growing your own veggies! Visit to learn more!

Being at the mercy of the supply chain is actually a pretty scary notion when you really think about it. One big breakdown, and you may not have food for a while! The best way to avoid being in such a predicament is to be self-sufficient, and you can do that through gardening! And if you’re just starting out, don’t worry; Survival Seeds for an Urban Area has guides that can transform you from a greenhorn into a green thumb!

It goes without saying, but if you want to grow food in times of need, you should select seeds that mature quickly. What may be less obvious is what those seeds actually are, but that’s what Survival Seeds for an Urban Area is here for.

According to their guide, certain leafy greens, such as lettuce, spinach, and arugula, are both nutritious and can be harvested in as little as 30 days, so they’re great if you want an early crop. Spinach and arugula, in particular, are cut-and-come-again crops, which means that you can harvest them on a near-daily basis, and they’ll reward you with more leaves.

Other good choices are radishes and turnips, which mature faster than other root vegetables and can be grown in succession for a continuous harvest. You can harvest some species in as little as 22 days!

Legumes also tend to be fast-growing and are beneficial because they are capable of fixing nitrogen in the soil. Nitrogen is one of the most essential nutrients for plant growth, so planting peas or beans will improve the growth of any other vegetable in the same area!

But you can’t leave all the legwork to the legumes. To stimulate growth in both garden beds and containers, Survival Seeds for an Urban Area advises you to mix organic compost with the soil to add nutrients and improve structure.

You can also quicken the germination process by soaking your seeds in warm water overnight, but the effectiveness of this method depends on the plant species. Additionally, some seeds are more suited to certain climate conditions than others, which is why the website’s guide recommends that you purchase a seed kit with a long shelf life and a variety of fruits, vegetables, and herbs. This will promote biodiversity in your garden, which not only gives you more choices for the dinner table but also ensures that if one crop fails, another one will persist.

Quick-grow vegetables can be eaten fresh, and a lot of them are best enjoyed right off the vine, but Survival Seeds for an Urban Area notes that they are suitable for food shortages because of their storage potential.

You can extend the life of your leafy greens and legumes by freezing them, while root vegetables can be kept for several months in a cool, dark location. Pickling, fermenting, and powdering fresh vegetables is also a recommended method of preserving them. Set some aside for long-term storage, and you’ll have a steady food supply regardless of your circumstances.

See? It’s not actually that hard to grow your own food. You’ll gain independence, and you’ll get some therapeutic gardening out of it! There’s really no reason not to start, especially when there are so many benefits to doing so!

Whether you’re a novice or an experienced gardener, Survival Seeds for an Urban Area has all kinds of guides that will help you achieve and maintain self-sufficiency through gardening. Visit the link in the description to get started! City: Carson City Address: Carson City Website:

The Best Fast-Growing Vegetables For Urban Gardens: Food Growing & Storage Guide
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