This Google Alternative Uncensored Search Engine Has Filtered News & GIPPR AI

Are you tired of Big Tech controlling what you can and cannot access on the Internet? Then it's time to make the switch to TUSK Search, an innovative censorship-free search engine for Conservatives! Go to to find out more.

When the Internet was released to the world it revolutionized the way we get information. Since its inception, however, many entities—often with ulterior motives—have tried to control and manipulate what we can access. TUSK Search was created to combat these malevolent forces!

The revolutionary Conservative search engine allows you to access the information you want to see without it being blocked or removed due to its content. The platform is also home to GIPPR AI, a modified Right-leaning chatbot with machine learning and natural language processing technologies that you can interact with.

The Background

According to a recent Pew Research Center survey, only 65% of Americans say that search engines are a fair and unbiased source of information. As concerning as this number may be, experts predict it could get even lower given the country’s worsening political divide and the growing fears and uncertainties surrounding algorithms, election interference, and artificial intelligence.

“All search engines are liberal-biased, they’re all to the left. They want you to see what they want you to see and they want you to read what they want you to read,” explained Jeff Bermant, founder and CEO of TUSK. “With TUSK Search, we’re trying to shift this paradigm and get the Internet back to a place of trust and transparency.”

What Is TUSK Search?

On TUSK Search, you don’t have to worry about your queries and results being monitored, censored, or approved. You can also filter the information you see based on your political stance using the platform’s viewpoint tuner feature.

Unlike Google and other Left-leaning search engines, TUSK Search doesn't collect your information or track your search habits either. Where they build profiles on you and try to tailor results to your interests against your will, TUSK Search allows you to browse freely and privately every time you use it.

In addition to being a search engine, TUSK Search is also a great way to get your news. It has a built-in news feed with trending stories separated into categories for easy navigation. The news is pulled from popular media organizations that cater to Conservative audiences, like Fox News, The Daily Wire, OANN, Newsmax, and Epoch Times.

If you're looking for a safe space to express your views without being cancelled or shamed for your beliefs you can communicate with GIPPR AI as well. The artificial intelligence program can respond to questions, retrieve information, and compose content, and it does so all while promoting conservative values and advocating for free speech.

“For some time now we've needed an alternative to Google, Bing, and Yahoo, and with TUSK Search we finally have it,” said a satisfied user. “We no longer have to just accept the information that Big Tech provides us with; we can see the whole picture and form our own opinions.”

How To Use It

TUSK Search is the default search engine on TUSK Browser, but it can also be set as the default search engine for other browsers. It is also available for download as an app on the App Store and Google Play.

Click on the link in the description for more information. TUSK City: Santa Barbara Address: 5383 Hollister Ave., Suite 120 Website Phone +1-703-531-8875 Email

This Google Alternative Uncensored Search Engine Has Filtered News & GIPPR AI
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