Top Techniques For Deferring Taxes With Fixed Deferred Annuities In Retirement

If you're already looking ahead to the golden years, Assets explains the role of deferred and immediate annuities as part of your overall retirement strategy. Visit for more details.

As you inch closer to retirement age, you may feel excited but also nervous.

Are you confident about your financial future?

To help you feel secure about your investment portfolio, the team at Assets has put together a guide to annuities.

You'll learn about the basic principles of immediate and deferred annuities, as well as contribution limits, tax advantages, and death benefit provisions.

The guide helps you explore annuities as part of your comprehensive retirement plan for a secure and comfortable life.

A recent report from Forbes shows that annuities can be a beneficial way to guarantee a regular source of income in the retirement phase of life, as they function as a long-term investment vehicle that delivers payouts when you stop working. The Assets guide to annuities helps you understand why this type of arrangement might make a good addition to your financial portfolio. “Retirement investments can be tricky, so understanding the basics of annuity payout options and accumulation is worth your effort,” explains a company representative. “We help you learn the difference between different types of annuities so you can decide whether an immediate or deferred annuity offers the right balance between protection against market fluctuations and steady growth over time.”

The guide covers the differences between fixed deferred, variable deferred, index deferred, and “straight life” annuities, noting that you have the option to postpone regular payments, thereby allowing your capital to accumulate and grow over time, or start receiving payouts immediately.

You'll also learn about why a deferred annuity is usually better than an immediate type, as the former offers several advantages, such as the possibility for unlimited contributions, tax reductions, and death benefit provisions that can assist your family when you pass away.

The Assets team also explores how a fixed deferred annuity might be useful for you in the golden years, such as paying for long-term care, like nursing homes or assisted living facilities, home health aides, medical equipment, and health treatments.

.In addition to the guide on annuities, the Assets team answers a wide range of your questions regarding retirement planning, with information available on a range of related topics, like tax laws by state, how to manage IRAs and 401 (k) plans, and step-by-step instructions on how to build a retirement investment portfolio.

Start planning for a safe and comfy future now with the financial experts at Assets!

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Top Techniques For Deferring Taxes With Fixed Deferred Annuities In Retirement
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