Toronto Family Lawyers' Buddhist Divorce Meditations Help Clients Handle Stress

The incredible stress of divorce can be alleviated by following seven Buddhist mindfulness tips. Read this new guide authored by the family lawyers at Ivan Steele Law (647.342.0568). Learn more at

You don't need to be a victim of divorce. Mindfulness, meditation, and Buddhist philosophy can help you avoid unnecessary pain and grow through separation. In their new guide, the family lawyers at Ivan Steele Law share tips to help you through these difficult times.

The first tip in the guide is to let go of your relationship expectations and pressures by practicing non-attachment. Remember: your pain and your thoughts are not you. Other advice revolves around staying in the present, sending loving thoughts and practicing compassion, acting with integrity, and recognizing that everything is impermanent - and as such, will pass. Ivan Steele Law's mindfulness tips to help readers follow these Buddhist divorce precepts include breath-focused meditation, loving-kindness meditation, and reflections on the nature of change.

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), practicing mindfulness can increase awareness and concentration by helping individuals live in the moment. The NIH further states that mindfulness can alleviate anxiety, reduce depression, and improve sleep. The mindfulness divorce guide released by Ivan Steele Law was authored to help divorcees deal with their situation by staying in the present.

The final two tips in the guide are more philosophy-based. The first is to practice the Buddhist middle way by avoiding extreme emotions during a divorce. The second is to internalize that suffering is a part of life. By understanding this, divorcees can choose to glean wisdom from their separation instead of being wounded.

About Ivan Steele Law

Ivan Steele Law is a Toronto-based law firm focusing on family law, immigration law, and gay and lesbian law. Their services include handling divorces and separations, authoring foreign divorce opinion letters, and facilitating immigration sponsorship for spouses.

The practice conducts all client meetings over Zoom, Skype, or FaceTime. Unlike many other law firms, Ivan Steele Law is very straightforward about its fees, stating them clearly on its website. For example, the firm charges $780.00 + HST and Disbursements for an uncontested, joint divorce.

A client who hired Ivan Steele to handle multiple legal matters had the following to say about their experience, "Ivan Steele handled both my immigration and family law matters on three separate occasions, and each time, he exceeded my expectations. Ivan is more practical in his approach and strategy than most senior lawyers I consulted, and he is relentless in pursuing client goals - as long as they are reasonable."

Learn more about mindfulness in divorce by clicking on the link above. Ivan Steele Law City: Toronto Address: 176 Yonge Street, 6th Floor Website Phone +1-647-342-0568 Email

Toronto Family Lawyers' Buddhist Divorce Meditations Help Clients Handle Stress
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