Woodland Hills Dental Clinic: Tooth Preservation Dentist For Fillings & Implants

Want to get your teeth fixed, without getting them pulled? The Anacapa Dental Art Institute (805-301-5688) specializes in biomimetic care, which means working to preserve your original teeth and make them stronger. It could even save you money. Learn how at https://anacapadental.com/biomimetic-dentistry/

From the day we're born, we only get two sets of teeth.

The first set, well, they're a bit of a throwaway, but the second set - well, it's precious.

It's the last set you'll get, unless you buy after-market upgrades - so it's worth protecting.

Anyone who's ever been to the dentist before knows, they always prefer to preserve as much of your natural teeth as possible... but did you know there's a whole specialty focused on that approach?

It's called "Biomimetic Care" because the whole goal is to keep your mouth as naturally healthy as possible.

I'll give you a quick explanation, the T L - D R if you will - but if you'd rather get the facts straight from the dentist's mouth, I won't complain. I left a link to my source material and favorite dentist, in the podcast description.

The long and short of it is super simple:

Your Natural Teeth Are Awesome, So Keep Them. They're better than fillings, and better than dentures, and with the right care, they could last you a lifetime.

That's the thing though, you need the right care - because normal dentistry won't do it.

Let me explain why, using one of the simplest and most common operations, a tooth filling.

With a traditional tooth filling, the goal is simple: get rid of that cavity, and make sure it stays gone. To do that, they often remove a large chunk of tooth, just to make sure, and then replace it with a filling.

That's a lot of your natural tooth, just... gone.

With biomimetic care, you'll get the same results, but more so. Instead of removing a big chunk of tooth, they'll use precision tools to gently remove every bit of damage, without hurting the tooth underneath.

They'll still need to put in a filling, but it will be much smaller, and your original tooth will be much stronger, meaning it will likely last much longer.

Yes, it's a lot more work, and as a result, it's more expensive, but - it could still save you money.

Quality Over Quantity: We often talk about quality over quantity, and in this case, it really matters.

Why get a lot of low-grade dental work, when you could get minimal care, of the best quality?

With a traditional filling, your weakened tooth will likely need more repairs at some time in the future. It could even crack, or break - since there's so little of the original left. That means another appointment and an expensive implant.

With biomimetic care, you get the best quality options upfront, so you won't have to come back for a second visit. Your tooth may never be as strong as it once was, but they'll make sure it's as durable as possible and ready to last you a lifetime.

If you do need an implant, they do that too. It's not just any old implant though, they use advanced artificial root implants that are designed to fuse right to your jawbone, for the maximum possible strength.

That means that your implant will last longer, bite more effectively, and easily take the strain of chomping your dinner, for years to come.

As one recent patient explained, “This was my first appointment for a consultation, I was immediately impressed by the attentiveness from the employees at the front desk. The rooms were super clean and all equipment is state of the art. I was introduced to pretty much everyone on staff and they were all happy and friendly.”

Sure, if you need a cavity filled, you can get that done anywhere.

For the best biomimetic care though, it's got to be the Anacapa Dental Art Institute.

It's right in the name, they don't just fix teeth, they make your smile a work of art that will last the test of time.

The first step should be to learn more about your options - you can do that at the link I dropped in the description.

Anacapa Dental Art Institute City: Oxnard Address: 2821 N Ventura Rd Website https://www.anacapadental.com Phone +1-805-988-8985 Email saj.jivraj@gmail.com

Woodland Hills Dental Clinic: Tooth Preservation Dentist For Fillings & Implants
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